In order to work toward our long-term sustainability goals, outlined above in our policy, Polyram has formally approved reduction targets that are in line with the Science Based Targets initiative.
Although we have not committed through the SBTi program, we used the SBTi calculator to set Scope 1 and 2 targets based on a 1.5⁰C scenario – meaning, targets that align with the goal of no more than 1.5⁰C of global warming by the end of the century. Our long-term targets include a goal of net zero emissions by 2050.
Our calculated science-based targets use 2030 as our target year, and are outlined below:
In addition to long-term emissions targets, we set annual targets for resource reduction. Our 2022 targets were to reduce our electricity consumption and the amount of waste sent to landfill per ton of production, both by 5% relative to 2021. Two of our production sites achieved their waste targets, and three sites achieved their electricity reduction targets. When looking at data for all of Polyram’s production sites combined, the total relative electricity consumption (kWh / ton of product) and relative waste production (kg / ton of product) were both more than 5% lower in 2022 than in 2021, representing an overall achievement of our 2022 targets.